Essential Vitamins You Need To Promote Weight Loss

Are you missing out? Critical vitamins you need to promote weight loss

Shedding pounds isn’t as simple as taking a couple of miracle pills. Nevertheless, adding certain vitamins and minerals into your routine can optimize your body’s efficiency for weight loss. While a balanced diet usually covers most nutrient requirements, adding a few safe vitamin supplements can offer an extra push to stay on course with your healthy weight loss plan. Keep reading to discover the essential vitamins that promote weight loss.

Vitamin D

  • Vitamin D plays a crucial role in supporting a healthy immune system. Obtaining enough vitamin D from sunlight alone can be challenging, requiring supplements from external sources. Studies have observed lower-than-normal vitamin D levels in overweight or obese individuals. However, the precise role of vitamin D in weight loss remains unclear.

Nonetheless, a 2011 study revealed that overweight and obese adults who were supplemented with calcium and vitamin D experienced a notable reduction in abdominal fat compared to those who did not take supplements. While sunlight remains the optimal source of vitamin D, certain foods, particularly fortified ones, provide this essential nutrient. Vitamin D-rich foods include cod liver oil, sardines, tuna, salmon, egg yolk, fortified milk and yogurt, as well as fortified cereals.


  • Iron plays a vital role in facilitating your body’s conversion of nutrients into energy. It aids in transporting oxygen to all cells, including muscles, thereby assisting in fat burning. Insufficient iron levels can result in iron deficiency anemia, a prevalent nutritional deficiency in the United States. Symptoms of iron deficiency anemia include fatigue, weakness, and low energy levels. Furthermore, low iron levels can diminish physical endurance and ability to exercise, leading to difficulties in weight loss.

Food sources of iron include lean meats, shellfish, beans, spinach, etc. Pairing iron-rich foods with sources of vitamin C, such as strawberries or tomatoes, can enhance iron absorption. Individuals at higher risk of iron deficiency include women with heavy menstrual periods and frequent blood donors. If you fall into these categories or suspect iron deficiency, consulting your doctor about iron supplementation is advisable.

B Vitamins

  • These vitamins play a crucial role in maintaining a well-functioning metabolism. B vitamins primarily assist the body in metabolizing carbohydrates, proteins, and fats and in utilizing the stored energy within food. Inadequate levels of these vitamins can compromise the efficiency of your metabolism. Consequently, insufficient levels of one or more of B vitamins can make weight loss more challenging. For instance, a deficiency of B12 can cause disruptions in the body’s metabolic equilibrium.

A healthy metabolic state ensures efficient fat utilization for energy production. Conversely, when the body is deficient in vitamin B12, it struggles to use stored fat for energy, resulting in increased fat accumulation and weight gain. While B vitamins are abundant in various foods, cobalamin (B-12) is not present in any plant-based products, posing a challenge for individuals following a vegan diet to obtain adequate amounts.

Addressing Vitamin B12 Deficiency

  • vitamins you need to promote weight lossLike any other vitamin deficiency, issues related to Vitamin B12 can be effectively addressed. While dietary changes to include more B12 is advisable, B12 injections are the quickest way to regain a healthy lifestyle.

These injections infuse the purest form of the vitamin directly into the bloodstream, bypassing digestion. This accelerated delivery enables you to experience the weight loss benefits of Vitamin B12 more rapidly.

At Alladerm, our expert medical professionals formulate personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual’s weight loss goals. Schedule a weight loss consultation with our expert practitioners at Alladerm. To book your appointment, call us at (949) 916-7166. We offer services in Aliso Viejo, CA, and nearby areas.


5 Proven Acne Care Tips to Keep Your Skin Clear In Summer

5 acne care tips to achieve and maintain crystal-clear skin this summer

While summer can be a delightful season with its warm weather and long days, it can exacerbate oily skin, blackheads, and breakouts. The heat stimulates sweating, increases oil production, and leads to clogged pores, all of which can worsen acne. This article discusses tips to help you manage breakouts effectively throughout the summer by making a few adjustments to your skincare routine. Keep reading to learn effective acne care tips for summer.

Cleanse with a Foaming Cleanser

  • During the summer months, heat and humidity overstimulate your oil glands. While you can’t stop oil production entirely, you can manage excess oil effectively. Cleanse your face twice daily using a foaming cleanser. If your skin becomes exceptionally oily or sweaty, you can include a third cleansing session.

However, be cautious not to overdo it with frequent washing. Excessive cleansing can compromise the skin’s protective barrier, leading to increased dryness, irritation, and, ultimately, more breakouts.

Opt for an Astringent

  • During the scorching summer heat, consider adding an astringent to your skincare routine, even if you don’t typically use one. Astringents work well in eliminating excess oil from the skin’s surface. Find a product that suits your preferences and feels comfortable on your skin. Fill a spray bottle, and whenever your skin starts to feel greasy, lightly mist your face with the solution.

It’s a quick and effortless way to rejuvenate your skin while on the move. Regardless of the product you choose, it should leave your skin feeling refreshed and revitalized. If you experience any burning or stinging upon application, consider trying a different brand or omitting the astringent from your routine altogether.

Apply Sunscreen Daily

  • Including sunscreen in your daily routine is crucial, especially if you’re using acne medications such as Retin-A or Onexton. These medications can increase your skin’s sensitivity to sunlight, making sunscreen a necessity. Furthermore, it’s important to recognize that tanning isn’t conducive to skin health. Exposure to UV rays from the sun can lead to sun damage, premature aging, and an increased risk of developing skin cancer.

When selecting a sunscreen, opt for a noncomedogenic, oil-free formula with an SPF of at least 15. For enhanced protection, consider choosing one with an SPF of 30 or higher. Additionally, tinted sunscreens are a viable option, providing effective coverage without the need for additional foundation makeup. This option is particularly beneficial for men and teenage boys looking to minimize acne-related redness.

Use a Lighter Moisturizer

  • As temperatures rise during the summer months, it’s a good idea to switch to a lighter moisturizer compared to what you might have used during colder seasons. Typically, you won’t need a heavy moisturizer to combat dryness caused by acne treatments in the summer.

Look for moisturizers labeled as noncomedogenic and oil-free to ensure they won’t clog your pores or leave a heavy, greasy residue on your skin. This adjustment can help keep your skin hydrated without exacerbating acne or feeling too heavy in the heat.

Shower After Perspiring

  • acne care tipsSweat can exacerbate acne, so it’s essential to shower after engaging in physical activity or whenever you are excessively sweaty. While showering, use a body wash or bar specifically designed to combat breakouts.

Look for products containing salicylic acid if you’re prone to blackheads or benzoyl peroxide if you have inflamed pimples. Regardless of the season, if you’re struggling to manage acne, consider consulting a professional for personalized advice and treatment options.

Take a step towards healthier, scar-free skin with the transformative power of AviClear acne treatment. For highly effective and customized AviClear Acne Treatment or other beauty treatments, contact Alladerm. Book your consultations at (949) 916-7166. We are located in Aliso Viejo, CA.


Expert Tips To Make Your Eyelash Extensions Last Longer

The ultimate guide to make your eyelash extensions last longer, according to experts

Eyelash extensions typically last for about six to eight weeks. However, their longevity largely depends on your natural lash cycle, as each extension is attached to an individual natural lash. Since not all extensions shed simultaneously, you will begin to notice gaps a few weeks after application. Experts suggest several measures to extend the lifespan of your eyelash extensions. We have listed the best tips to make your eyelash extensions last longer.

Select Extensions Similar To Your Natural Lashes

  • When consulting with your esthetician, request extensions that match the shape of your natural lashes and eye contour. Additionally, consider opting for individual lashes in lighter weights, typically around .07 mm and .05 mm.

These lighter extensions tend to have greater longevity compared to heavier ones. According to a renowned makeup and eyebrow artist, “Choosing extensions that match your natural lash shape is key. Opt for a lighter option rather than overly dramatic ones for a longer-lasting effect.”

Avoid Water Exposure in The First 48 Hours

  • After applying your new lash extensions, avoid contact with water for the first two days. This ensures that the adhesive fully sets, contributing to lasting results. Be cautious while cleansing your face, and use oil-free makeup removers if necessary.

It’s advisable to minimize eye makeup application during this period to avoid the need for direct lash cleansing. Furthermore, to preserve the longevity of the extensions, it’s important to minimize exposure to water during showers, particularly avoiding hot water, steam, or swimming.

Steer Clear of Waterproof Eye Products

  • While mascara might seem tempting to enhance the look of your lash extensions, it’s best to avoid waterproof formulas. Experts caution against using waterproof mascara because it’s difficult to remove, which can lead to excessive tugging and potential damage to the extensions.

Lash extensions often provide a similar effect to traditional eye makeup, eliminating the need for mascara or liner. In addition, they naturally open up the eyes, reducing the need for additional makeup. However, if you still prefer to wear eye makeup, opt for non-waterproof formulas to simplify the removal process and prolong the lifespan of your extensions.

Opt for Oil-Free Cleansers

  • When removing eye makeup, it’s crucial to choose products that won’t affect the adhesive of your lash extensions. Avoid oil-based cleansers and makeup removers, as they can break down the glue that holds the lashes in place. Instead, opt for mild, low-alkaline soaps and oil-free makeup removers to ensure the longevity of your extensions.

Gel-based removers are an excellent choice for gentle yet effective cleansing without compromising the adhesive. Additionally, micellar water is a great option for maintaining the adhesion of your extensions while effectively removing debris.

Use Silk or Satin Pillowcases

  • Consider switching to a silk or satin pillowcase to maintain your eyelash extensions while you sleep. Sleeping with your face pressed into a pillow can increase the risk of your extensions falling out prematurely.

Moreover, the use of silk or satin pillowcases provides a smoother surface for your lashes, reducing the likelihood of snagging or damage.

Avoid Mechanical Lash Curlers

  • make your eyelash extensions last longerWhile your mechanical lash curler might be a necessity in your makeup routine, it’s wise to give it a break when you have lash extensions. Using a mechanical curler can result in a bend that is difficult to correct.

If you’re determined to curl your lashes, opt for a heated lash curler. It offers a gentler alternative to traditional mechanical curlers and ensures the longevity of your lash extensions.

Ready to enhance your beauty with stunning eyelash extensions? Book your lash extension appointment now and discover the transformative power of longer, fuller lashes. Contact Alladerm at (949) 916-7166 to learn more about the procedure. We are operating in Aliso Viejo, CA, and nearby areas.


Dispelling Common Myths About Chemical Peels

The ultimate guide – Busting myths about chemical peels

For many clients, the term ‘chemical peel’ often brings to mind a frightening image of a red, irritated face. This is fueled by misinformation found online that can make people hesitant to try a chemical peel. However, a chemical peel is one of the best methods for rejuvenating dull skin, unclogging pores, improving complexion, and removing scars. This article highlights common myths and clears misunderstandings about chemical peels.

Skin Will Peel After A Chemical Peel Treatment

  • The term “chemical peel” refers to the use of a chemical or acid solution to exfoliate and remove the top layers of dead skin. This doesn’t mean you will see your skin visibly peeling. Peeling does not measure the success of the treatment. It is one possible side effect of the chemicals used and is not required for the peel to be effective.

Many modern chemical peels used by estheticians are designed to work at a cellular level, allowing you to see results without significant peeling or downtime. The extent of peeling depends on your skin’s current condition, sensitivity, and the strength of the peel used. It’s important to discuss these factors before the treatment so the esthetician can select the most suitable peel to meet your goals, in line with professional recommendations.

People With Rosacea Skin Cannot Receive Chemical Peels.

  • There’s a common belief that people with sensitive skin or conditions like rosacea aren’t suited for chemical peels. However, this isn’t true. Many types of chemical peels are specifically formulated for sensitive and rosacea-prone skin. These peels often contain acids and ingredients designed to soothe inflammation associated with sensitive skin and strengthen capillary walls to minimize redness and the appearance of broken capillaries.

Additionally, certain peels for sensitive skin can aid in lymphatic drainage, helping to remove surface bacteria that contribute to the redness and irritation typical of rosacea.

A Single Session Will Resolve Skin Issues

  • It’s a common misconception that a single chemical peel can fix all skin concerns. Although you might notice some improvement after one treatment, chemical peels are significantly more effective when performed in a series.

For optimal results, it is advisable to undergo a series of 6-8 peel treatments, with each session spaced about 4-6 weeks apart. This treatment plan effectively addresses most skin concerns. Adhering to the recommended schedule is crucial for achieving the desired outcomes and maintaining those results over time.

The Results Of Each Treatment Are the Same

  • It’s common for patients to have varying responses to the same peel throughout their treatment series. Factors like weather, the condition of the skin, overall skin tolerance, frequency of treatments, and skincare regimen can all influence the outcome of a peel.

Therefore, it’s normal for a patient to experience different levels of response to the same treatment. However, varying responses don’t necessarily indicate a lack of effectiveness in the treatment.

Chemical Peel Causes Severe Irritation and Redness

  • While mild redness and irritation can occur after a peel, it’s not necessary. There are simple remedies available to alleviate minor redness. Patients should not experience severe irritation, discomfort, or scabbing after a peel treatment. If such symptoms occur, it’s important to consult a skincare professional.

All Peels Are Created Equal

  • myths about chemical peelsNot all peels are the same, and each type is tailored to address specific skin concerns and conditions. For example, if you have acne-prone skin, certain peels are more suitable than those targeting anti-aging and skin texture.

Consulting with your skincare professional is essential to determine the most appropriate chemical peel treatment for your specific needs, ensuring optimal results.

At Alladerm, your chemical peel is customized to ensure you get the most benefits from treatment. Whatever your concerns may be, there is always a peel option for you. Book your appointments at 949-916-7166. We are located in Aliso Viejo, CA.


What Is Oxygen Facial And How Does It Revitalize Your Skin?

Experience the glow-up – How oxygen facials can transform your complexion

Oxygen is not only an invaluable source of life but also an essential component in skincare treatments and products. It is renowned for its effectiveness and popularity among users. Procedures like intraceutical oxygen facials work wonders in revitalizing the skin, leaving it rejuvenated and radiant. But what precisely makes oxygen so beneficial for your skin?

Continue reading to explore the details about intraceutical oxygen facial and its benefits for your skin.

What Is Oxygen Facial? An Overview

  • An oxygen facial is a skincare procedure that involves the application of pressurized pure oxygen directly onto the skin being treated. This innovative treatment addresses various skin concerns, including wrinkles and fine lines. Research indicates that topical application of oxygen through skincare treatments promotes skin rejuvenation. It diffuses into the skin cells to speed up healing and reduces wrinkles and fine lines.

As a result, skin becomes healthy, young, and beautiful. In addition, there is clear evidence that oxygen can be effectively delivered to the skin through skincare treatments. A double-blind study conducted to find the effectiveness of oxygen-containing products found that topical treatments increased the amounts of oxygen in the skin tissues. In addition, they reduced the appearance of scars and increased the skin’s moisture content.

Skin Rejuvenation Relies on Oxygen

  • Oxygen plays a significant role in every cellular process, making its presence essential. Insufficient oxygen levels can hinder cellular metabolism, leading to dull, dry skin that shows signs of aging.

Therefore, oxygen acts as a crucial element in preventing the signs of aging skin. By ensuring adequate oxygen supply to skin cells through oxygen-based facial treatments, collagen production is stimulated, promoting youthful and healthy skin.

Oxygen Hydrates the Skin

  • Research indicates that adequate oxygen levels in skin tissue provide desirable effects, including enhanced moisture retention and reduction in the visibility of lines and wrinkles. With increased oxygen availability to cells, the skin appears glowing, firm, and radiant.

Furthermore, oxygen amplifies the body’s natural processes to rejuvenate the skin. It speeds up wound healing and is utilized in skincare regimens to facilitate cellular repair and regeneration. Procedures such as oxygen facials administer oxygen directly to the skin’s surface, promoting radiance from within.

Benefits of Oxygen Facial

  • An Intraceutical oxygen facial typically lasts 60-90 minutes per session and results in immediate visible improvements. The frequency of oxygen facials varies, with many experts suggesting monthly sessions. Consultation with a dermatologist or aesthetician can provide personalized advice. With multiple sessions, long-term benefits lasting weeks or more can be achieved.

These include:

  • Provides deep hydration
  • Enhances Skin Contour and Volume
  • Lifts and Tightens
  • Stimulates Collagen and Elastin
  • Reduces Signs of Aging
  • Addresses Hyperpigmentation

Oxygen facials are also excellent for maintaining healthy, youthful skin. Some skin care professionals recommend them particularly for individuals in their 20s as a preventative measure. While oxygen facials are beneficial at any age, older individuals might explore more intensive treatments, such as laser therapy or microneedling, for more pronounced anti-aging effects.

Ingredients of the Intracutical Oxygen Facial

  • oxygen facialIntraceutical oxygen facial utilizes therapeutic oxygen under pressure to infuse a special serum into the skin. The serum comprises essential vitamins, hyaluronic acid, botanicals, amino peptides, and antioxidants that rehydrate the skin.

Intraceutical oxygen facials target dry, dehydrated, sun-damaged, and sensitive skin. They offer promising results in reducing brown spots, post-inflammatory pigmentation, and uneven texture. Most types of skin concerns can benefit from this hydrating facial treatment. Expert aestheticians recommend one intraceutical oxygen facial treatment every couple of weeks for best results.

Satiate and revive your skin and protect it from further damage. For highly effective and customized intraceutical oxygen facials or other beauty treatments, contact Alladerm. Call us at (949) 916-7166. We are located in Aliso Viejo, CA.


What Is Laser Genesis, And How Does It Benefit Your Skin?

From flawed to flawless – What is Laser Genesis’s and its remarkable skin benefits

If you’re troubled by skin texture issues and visible imperfections, you’re not alone. Whether it’s acne scarring, signs of aging, or sun damage, laser genesis offers a solution. Discover how this treatment works and explore its compelling benefits for your skin.

What Is Laser Genesis?

  • Laser Genesis is a scientifically proven, non-invasive laser-based treatment. The heat from the laser penetrates deep within the skin to kill bacteria. It stimulates deeper layers of skin to produce collagen. This triggers healing and rejuvenation within the skin tissues.

It is safe and effective for treating active acne, acne scars, open pores, and age spots. It also works on the face, neck, back, and other parts of the body.

Benefits of Laser Genesis for Your Skin

  • Here’s why you should include laser genesis in your beauty treatment list:

Repairs Sun Damage

  • Sun exposure can lead to various signs of aging, such as wrinkles, enlarged pores, and dull skin. Laser Genesis treatments are effective in reversing sun damage by promoting the production of new collagen and reducing uneven pigmentation.

By targeting excess pigment in the skin, Laser Genesis can diminish discoloration, including that from scars. Additionally, the treatment stimulates the synthesis of elastin and keratin, resulting in smoother, more youthful-looking skin.

Reduces The Appearance of Fine Lines And Wrinkles

  • Laser Genesis is ideal for those battling fine lines and wrinkles. It minimizes the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and enlarged pores. It works deep into the skin layers to regenerate healthy cells and tissues, thus eliminating the deeper set of wrinkles.

Whether you have deep wrinkles formed around your expression lines or less noticeable fine lines, laser genesis treatment can fix them. If the lines are lighter or less visible, treating them with non-invasive laser genesis helps to prevent them from turning into noticeable wrinkles.

Eliminates Acne Scars

  • When the pores are clogged with excess sebum, bacteria, and dead cells, they become inflamed. As a result, lesions are formed, which turn into blemishes and acne scars. Shallow lesions often do not result in noticeable scars, but severe acne outbreaks leave deep scars that do not fade with time.

Laser genesis is beneficial for treating these scars as it triggers the production of healthy skin cells, aligning the scarred tissue with the surrounding healthy skin tissue. It is also useful for treating surgical, burn, and trauma-related scars. Laser genesis addresses not only the superficial layer of the skin (epidermis) but also penetrates deep into the scar tissues to diminish or eliminate them.

Minimizes Pore Size

  • For those struggling with enlarged pores, Laser Genesis offers a solution by reducing their appearance by up to 70%. This treatment stimulates collagen production, helping to firm the skin and diminish the size of pores.

Consequently, the skin appears smoother and more radiant. Unlike treatments solely focused on addressing discoloration, Laser Genesis targets the underlying causes, providing comprehensive improvement.

Enhance Skin Tone

  • what is laser genesisDealing with dull skin and other skin concerns can affect self-confidence. Laser Genesis treatments offer a solution to improve skin’s complexion and boost confidence in one’s appearance.

These treatments refine skin texture, diminish fine lines and wrinkles, and minimize discoloration. By improving your skin’s overall condition, Laser Genesis helps you feel more comfortable and confident in your skin.

Restore your lost beauty within just 30 minutes of Laser Genesis Treatment. Book your appointments at (949) 916-7166 and enjoy the amazing discount. Alladerm offers all sorts of cosmetic procedures in Aliso Viejo, CA, and nearby areas.


Understanding The Causes And Treatments Of Hyperpigmentation

From dark spots to radiant skin – Effective treatments of hyperpigmentation revealed

Hyperpigmentation is a condition that causes skin to darken in patches compared to its surrounding area. Due to their naturally higher melanin levels, this condition is particularly prevalent in individuals with darker skin tones. Skin injuries such as burns, bruises, acne, rashes, or other forms of trauma can trigger increased melanin production, leading to the formation of dark spots. Keep reading to explore the causes and treatment options for hyperpigmentation.

Causes of Hyperpigmentation

  • Hyperpigmentation often results from an overproduction of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin coloration. This condition is characterized by increased hormone levels, which stimulate increased melanin synthesis. Excessive exposure to sunlight is a common cause of high melanin production, leading to hyperpigmentation.

Other common factors that lead to hyperpigmentation include:

Sun Exposure

  • Prolonged exposure to sunlight triggers the body to produce excess melanin, resulting in dark spots or patches known as age spots or sun spots. This phenomenon is particularly common in areas frequently exposed to the sun, such as the face and hands.

Skin Inflammation

  • Inflammatory skin conditions like acne, eczema, lupus, or physical injuries can lead to darkening of the affected areas. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is more prevalent in individuals with darker skin tones and may persist long after the initial inflammation has subsided.


  • Hormonal fluctuations, such as those occurring during pregnancy or while using hormonal birth control methods, can trigger the development of melasma. This condition often presents as darker patches on the face, although it can also affect other areas of the body.

Reactions to Drug Use

  • Certain medications, including antimalarial drugs and tricyclic antidepressants, have been associated with hyperpigmentation as a side effect. In some cases, these drugs can cause patches of skin to turn gray or darken.

Chemical Exposure

  • Exposure to certain chemicals found in topical treatments or environmental pollutants may contribute to the development of hyperpigmentation, particularly in individuals with sensitive skin.

Medical Conditions

  • Rare medical conditions such as Addison’s disease, affecting the adrenal glands, or hemochromatosis, characterized by excessive iron accumulation in the body, can lead to hyperpigmentation as a symptom. In Addison’s disease, hyperpigmentation often occurs in sun-exposed areas and areas prone to friction, such as the elbows and knees.

Melasma During Pregnancy

  • Melasma is often referred to as the mask of pregnancy. It typically affects the face and may persist even after childbirth or discontinuation of birth control pills. Treatment options for melasma include sun protection, topical creams containing ingredients like zinc oxide or hydroquinone, and various dermatological procedures such as chemical peels or laser treatments, which should be performed under the guidance of a qualified dermatologist.

Preventive Measures

Follow the below-mentioned tips to prevent hyperpigmentation and achieve flawless skin.

  • Always apply a layer of sunscreen before you step outside in the sun, even on a cloudy day. Consistently applying sunscreen helps prevent the pigments from darkening further.
  • To avoid sun-induced hyperpigmentation, wear protective clothing and use good-quality sunscreen. Hats and sunglasses can also help prevent direct exposure to sun rays.
  • Exfoliation is the key to fading stubborn dark spots. Chemical exfoliants penetrate deeper into the skin layers, removing dead skin cells, promoting cell turnover, fading dark spots, and lightening the complexion.

Treatment Options for Hyperpigmentation

treatments of hyperpigmentationCertain cosmetic procedures are designed to lighten areas of the skin and reduce the visibility of dark patches caused by hyperpigmentation.

These procedures include:

  • Laser therapy
  • Intense pulsed light treatment, such as limelight
  • Chemical peels

Say goodbye to pigmented skin and vascular issues. Take the first step towards clearer, rejuvenated skin with our Limelight Photofacial (IPL) treatment. Book your appointment now to discover the transformative power of advanced skincare technology. For highly effective and customized beauty treatments, contact Alladerm at 949-916-7166. We are located in Aliso Viejo, CA.


8 Factors That Impact The Effectiveness Of Laser Hair Removal

8 vital laser hair removal factors every beauty enthusiast should understand

The success of laser hair removal treatments relies on personalized treatment parameters such as skin type, hair type and color, hair growth cycle, and the presence of a tan. Although many individuals achieve up to a 90% long-term reduction in hair growth following a series of treatments, the outcome may not be the same in some individuals. Keep reading to discover the factors that contribute to the ineffectiveness of laser hair removal.

Inadequate Contrast Between Hair Color and Skin Tone

  • The key determinant affecting the efficacy of laser hinges on the interaction between hair color and skin tone. Laser hair removal works by directing intense pulses of laser light onto the melanin pigment in hair follicles. This light energy is absorbed by the dark pigment, increasing the follicle’s temperature and causing damage that stops future hair growth. Therefore, for the treatment to be effective, there must be a significant difference between the hair color and skin tone.

The most suitable candidates are those with very fair skin and notably darker, coarse hair. If the hair color is too light, such as white, gray, blonde, or red, the laser will struggle to target the weaker melanin pigment in those follicles effectively. Likewise, individuals with darker skin tones may encounter difficulty as the laser may struggle to distinguish between the hair and skin colors, resulting in suboptimal outcomes. However, recent advancements in laser hair removal devices involve longer wavelengths to offer improved treatment options for individuals with darker skin tones; addressing lighter hair remains a persistent challenge.

Inadequate Pre-Treatment Preparation

  • It is important to ensure proper preparation of the treatment area to maximize the effectiveness of each laser hair removal session. However, many patients overlook or fail to adequately adhere to these preparatory steps, which can hinder the laser treatment’s effectiveness.

Here are the essential pre-treatment measures that must be strictly followed:


  • The treatment area should be thoroughly shaved 1-2 days before the appointment to ensure no surface hair obstructs the laser’s penetration to the follicles.

Avoid Plucking/Waxing

  • Refrain from plucking, waxing, or epilating the hair for at least six weeks before the treatment, as removing the follicle impedes the laser’s targeting ability.

Stop Tanning

  • Avoid any sun exposure or tanning activities at least 4-6 weeks prior to the treatment session to allow the skin to revert to its natural baseline pigment, ensuring better laser precision.

Failure to follow these pre-treatment guidelines between sessions is a common cause of suboptimal laser hair removal outcomes.

Hair Growth Cycle

  • Another factor influencing laser outcomes is the natural hair growth cycle of the treated body area. Each hair follicle undergoes three distinct phases:

Anagen (Growth) Phase

  • During this phase, hair actively grows and can last for several years.

Catagen (Transition) Phase

  • Hair ceases growth, disconnects from the blood supply, and eventually sheds. This phase typically lasts 4-6 weeks.

Telogen (Resting) Phase

  • laser hair removalShed hair follicles remain dormant for 2-3 months before restarting the cycle.

Laser hair removal exclusively targets follicles in the active anagen growth phase. Follicles in other phases will not be affected and will require future treatments as they enter the anagen phase again. Failure to time treatments with the area’s specific growth cycle may result in insufficient disabling of hair follicles, leading to limited reduction in hair growth.

Are you looking for a convenient and pain-free hair removal solution? Then, book your laser hair removal appointment with Alladerm. We provide laser hair removal services at reasonable costs. Call us at (949) 916-7166. Our clinic is located in Aliso Viejo, CA, and nearby areas.


6 Factors That Contribute To Premature Skin Aging

Beyond genetics – 6 lifestyle choices that fast-track premature skin aging

Aging is an inevitable part of life. As time passes, natural changes occur in the appearance, notably on your skin. However, for some individuals, these changes occur earlier than expected, resulting in premature skin aging. This article highlights the common factors that contribute to premature skin aging to help you take proactive measures.


  • Stress causes the release of cortisol, which can have detrimental effects on the skin. Increased cortisol levels lead to reduced production of hyaluronan synthase and collagen, resulting in dull, dry, and prematurely aged skin.

Hyaluronan synthase is an enzyme responsible for the synthesis of hyaluronic acid (HA), a substance naturally found in the body’s connective tissues, skin, and eyes. Hyaluronic acid plays a crucial role in maintaining hydration and elasticity in the skin, promoting a youthful and plump appearance. The lack of this enzyme can lead to premature aging.


  • Nicotine toxins alter the cells within your body, causing harmful effects. These toxins degrade collagen and elastic fibers in your skin, resulting in wrinkles, sagging skin, and a hollow, thin facial appearance.

Similarly, excessive alcohol intake also contributes to premature skin aging as it can lead to dehydration, which harms your skin gradually, causing it to lose its shape and sag over time.

Imbalanced Diet

  • Research suggests that an unhealthy diet, particularly one high in sugar or refined carbohydrates, contributes to premature aging. These foods can produce harmful end products that damage the collagen and elastin fibers in the skin.

Conversely, diets rich in fruits and vegetables are associated with a lower risk of premature skin changes, as they contain vitamins, antioxidants, and other nutrients that help support healthy skin function.

Environmental Factors

  • Environmental pollutants can exacerbate premature signs of skin aging, such as pigment spots and wrinkles. When the skin comes into direct contact with the air, its protective barrier is susceptible to the toxins and pollutants present in the environment, leading to the appearance of signs of aging.

Furthermore, insufficient or poor-quality sleep, when coupled with other factors, accelerates the aging of skin cells. Consequently, signs of premature aging become evident on the skin.

Sun Exposure

  • Exposure to sunlight can lead to various skin issues. Ultraviolet (UV) light and prolonged sun exposure speed up the skin’s aging process beyond its natural pace, a phenomenon known as photoaging. It’s responsible for up to 90% of visible skin changes.

UV light can damage skin cells, causing premature effects like age spots and wrinkles. Moreover, excessive sun exposure increases the risk of skin cancer.

Treating Premature Skin Aging

  • premature skin agingAdvancement in the world of cosmetics has provided us with a way to fight signs of aging in the form of microneedling. Microneedling is a non-surgical skin rejuvenation procedure that involves using a device to create microscopic punctures in the skin. This is done by inserting very fine, short needles into the skin. These micro-injuries stimulate the body’s healing ability and immune system’s response to produce new collagen.

This collagen protein repairs the damaged skin from the inside out. Visible improvement in the skin texture can be seen after the first session. The treatment takes about 45 minutes, but the skin rejuvenates over time. Other non-invasive treatments are also available that can prevent and reduce the signs of premature aging, including:

  • Chemical peels
  • Titan skin tightening
  • Laser genesis
  • Dermal fillers and neuromodulators

Achieve younger-looking skin with a minimally invasive Microneedling Procedure. If you want to learn more about noninvasive cosmetic treatments that visibly reduce the signs of aging, call us at (949) 916-7166. We offer multiple cosmetic procedures, such as dermal fillers, Titan, Botox, laser genesis, micro-needling, and PDO thread lift, at discounted rates. We provide services in Aliso Viejo, CA, and nearby areas.


5 Causes Of Double Chin You Didn’t Know

Read this before you blame genetics – 5 non-genetic causes of double chin

As we age, our bodies undergo numerous changes, some of which are unwelcome. One such change is the development of a double chin. A double chin results from the buildup of excess fat beneath the chin. In some instances, it becomes more noticeable, resembling a folded wrinkle, altering the chin’s appearance. This article discusses the causes and highlights effective approaches to address double chin.

Hormonal Disruptions

  • One of the lesser-known causes of double chin is hormonal imbalance. Conditions triggering hormonal imbalance, like thyroid disorders, menopause, or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), can disturb the body’s typical fat distribution.

Frequently, increased hormone levels trigger the body to store fat in specific areas, such as the chin, even when a person maintains a healthy weight.

Double Chin Despite the Normal Weight

  • Despite being at a low weight, inadequate muscle mass along with a high body fat percentage can create conditions leading to the development of subcutaneous adipose tissue in the neck area. Targeted nutrition and exercise are key to optimizing body composition and addressing this issue.

Some people mistake their low weight for true leanness. However, insufficient muscle mass combined with a high body fat percentage can still result in problems such as submental fat. Effectively addressing a double chin often involves optimizing body composition alongside weight management.

Genetic Factors

  • The genetic component can contribute to the development of a double chin. Individuals with a familial predisposition to diminished skin elasticity or a history of double chins in their family may have an increased likelihood of developing one themselves.

Excessive Fat Accumulation

  • The primary cause of a double chin is often related to excess fat. When our dietary intake exceeds our energy expenditure, the excess sugars are stored as fat in various areas of the body. Common regions for fat deposition include the face and the area beneath the chin.

Individuals may show a predisposition to gain weight, with the face being one of the initial areas to reflect such changes. Unlike other body parts that can be concealed with loose clothing, the face shows signs of weight gain. Therefore, addressing a double chin caused by weight gain requires a combination of proper treatment and targeted exercise.

Natural Aging Process

  • The gradual loss of collagen and elastin in the skin is a common contributor to a double chin. Collagen and elastin are essential elements that make the firm. However, their production diminishes as we age, reducing the skin’s ability to remain tight. Consequently, the skin becomes saggy.

When the area under the jaw experiences sagging, it creates the appearance of extra fat under the chin. This effect becomes more noticeable with age. While the natural decline in skin elasticity is a part of aging, factors like an unhealthy diet, smoking, excessive sun exposure, and an overall poor lifestyle can lead to premature aging.

How to Get Rid of A Double Chin?

  • causes of double chinMaintaining a healthy weight, correcting your posture, and regular application of anti-aging serums can delay having a double chin. However, if you are looking for a long-term approach, Kybella is the most effective treatment for addressing double chin. It uses deoxycholic acid to remove subcutaneous fat that is formed under the chin.

Treatment with Kybella has shown excellent results in improving the appearance and profile of moderate to severe submental fat. In addition, Kybella effectively dissolves fat under the chin and in the jawline, legs, arms, and abdominal region.

Say goodbye to a double chin and get a more defined jawline today by booking a Kybella appointment with Alladerm. To learn more about Kybella or to explore other options, call us at 949 916 7166. We are operating in Aliso Viejo, CA, and nearby areas.
